International Coffee Day- Try These Top 9 Classic Coffee Recipes at Home

Are you a coffee lover? Then celebrate this International Coffee Day on 1st October with some best coffee recipes at home.

1. Cappuccino

Cappuccino is one of the most delicious and famous coffees in this world that is made of espresso, steamed milk and foam.

2. Latte

Cafe Latte is known as the big brother of cappuccino coffee in which the foam is present in softer and silkier foam.

3. Americano

Enjoy the classic Americano black coffee at home which is the easiest coffee recipe ever.

4. Espresso

If you are a die-hard fan of black coffee and want to enjoy it sitting at your home, caffe espresso is the one you need the most.

5. French Pass Coffee

Looking for the cost-effective and easiest coffee recipe to try at your home? Then must try the French Pass coffee once.

6. Dalgona Coffee

Dalgona coffee has become a viral coffee recipe during the pandemic situation and you can still try it at your home

7. Frappuccino

Frappuccino coffee tastes like a dessert that is made of lots of milk, sugar, coffee, ice, flavour syrups and whipped cream.

8. Filter Coffee

Enjoy the desi vibe with the desi style filter coffee at your home with your loved ones.

9. Iced Coffee

To get some refreshment in this hot summer, try the iced coffee and stay chilled.