World Animal Day- Learn Some Unique and Fun Facts about Animals

World Animal Day is celebrated on 4th October everywhere to make people aware of the importance of animal welfare improvement. Here are some fun facts about some animals which will help you to know them better.

1. Three Hearts of Octopus

Yes, you heard it right. While everyone has only one heart, Octopuses have three hearts.

2. Polar Bear Has Black Skin

Though the name Polar Bear looks snowy white, these bears have black skin under their white fur which helps them to stay warm in the coldest weather.

3. Brainless Star Fish

Both human beings and animals have brains but the case is exceptional in star fishes as they have no brains.

4. A Bird Who Cannot Fly

Ostrich is that poor bird who has wings but can never fly because of their smaller and softer wings.

5. Hummingbird’s Backward Flying

Yes, the Hummingbird is the only bird who always flies backwards unlike other birds.

6. Panda’s Handstands

It seems so much fun to hear that even a panda can do handstands right? But it is true, they do handstands before they do pee.

7. Reindeer’s Eyes Become Blue During Winter

The original colour of Reindeers’ eyes is basically golden but they turn into blue during winter which help them to see easily in the dark winter month.

8. Kangaroos Balance through Tails

When Kangaroos move or jump, they make use of their strong tails to maintain balance and support their body.

We hope you have enjoyed these fun and weird facts about animals.