World Heart Day: Take These Super Healthy Foods for A Healthy Heart

On September 29, World Heart Day is celebrated yearly to make everyone aware of the importance of a healthy heart. This year, let’s add some super healthy foods to our daily diets for a better life.

1. Green Leafy Vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are enriched with lots of vitamins, nutrients, minerals and more that reduce high blood pressure and the risk of heart disease.

2. Almonds

Taking Almonds daily can keep your heart free from any disease as almonds can reduce LDL-C, which is a major risk factor for coronary heart disease.

3. Dark Chocolate

Taking dark chocolate in a particular amount will reduce the risk of stroke, or other heart diseases and improve the blood flow.

4. Whole Grains

Whole grains are the best source of fiber, minerals and vitamins that reduces high cholesterol, high blood pressure and weight and make your heart healthy.

5. Salmon

Don’t skip the omega-3 enriched Salmon fish as it can lower blood pressure and also reduce the risk factor of heart rhythm disease.

6. Soy Foods

Adding soy foods like soybeans, and tofu to your daily diet will help you keep away your heart from any type of cardiovascular disease.

7. Oranges

Taking citrus fruits like oranges regularly will help you get enough vitamin C for your body which will lessen the risk factor of heart disease.

8. Olive Oil

Olive oil is definitely linked with a healthy heart due to have anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds etc.